Monday, July 23, 2007

Online Sales Secrets

Copyright © Mario Carini

Back in the old days professional salesmen conducted face-to-face meetings to open and close a sale. Several meetings occurred before a sale was consummated.

Today, Internet marketing has opened the possibility of doing business anywhere in the world. However, face-to-face meetings are a rarity, especially if your prospect lives on the other end of the globe. In order to attract any customers, your site has to be your personal salesman.

The rules for selling online are no different than a face-to-face meeting. Let's make a comparison between what happens between a buyer and seller in someone's home and that between your site and the prospect that comes to visit:

Your Conduct: Just as the professional salesman walks in with a suit and tie, smiles and greets the potential buyer, your site should also look professional. Spelling errors and grammar mistakes give you away as unprofessional. Your site doesn't need to be cluttered with run-on text and flooded with banners. Open space and easy-to-read text are extremely important.

The Introduction: Who exactly are you? The prospect wants to know something about your credentials. While that doesn't have to appear on your home page necessarily, you should have a link to an "About me" page. Since you can't talk to your prospect directly, you should have some way for him to reach you if your site doesn't present some answers to his pressing questions. You should include your email address, phone number, fax, cell phone or a message service through MSN, Yahoo, Skype and others. Your "About Me" page acts as your business card.

The Opening: Here's where the salesman sits down to begin discussions with his prospect. Your site's opening is your title. Your title should be just as effective as the advertising you do to get customers to surf to your site. It should outline a problem and hint at a solution. It's what will make the prospect want to read your text to find out if you have a solution that can help him. Salesmen know what the prospect's problems are and get right to the meat of the problem without a whole lot of chitchat.

The Presentation: This is your home page. You should start off by outlining the problem from the perspective of the client. If your site focuses on unrelated issues or doesn't address the real problem until page 10, your prospect isn't going to wait until he gets there. Get to the point. Emphasize the problem, then make the claim you have a solution for him.

Involve the Prospect: Ever read a good book? The book draws you in because you can identify with the characters and the plot. It creates an atmosphere that makes it difficult to put that book down. Why are Harry Potter books so popular? Your website doesn't have to read like a Stephen King thriller but it should have something that entices the reader to stay and give him a potential solution to his problems.

Ask the reader questions: It's yet another way to involve the reader. Your text should flow from one idea to the next, leading to the solution. You should anticipate the prospect's objections and answer them as your page draws him in. The salesman not only prepares himself for that sales meeting, he's also a psychologist and knows that if he involves his prospect, it'll be much easier to make a sale. Make sure your site provides some answers. Let your site ask questions that makes the reader respond in a positive manner. In the book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie, one of the rules of winning people to your way of thinking is by getting the other person to say "yes…yes". Your site should do just that.

Bring up the facts: One of the most important parts of a website that sells is testimonials. That helps to dissolve doubt in the prospect's mind. Bring up the reasons why your product is better than the competition. Outline the benefits of using your product. Here's where you can have a few useful graphics on your home page. Professional salespeople use graphics that appeal to the buyer's senses. In the online world, the customer can't touch your product, but a good picture and a description of the object helps lead the prospect to a buying decision. If you sell ebooks, outline some of the chapters and high points that the ebook addresses.

The Closing: Once your site answers all the prospect's questions, it's time to wrap things up. Your site isn't complete unless you sweeten the pot a little. Since people are reluctant to purchase anything online, a few extra bonuses and freebies can help swing your prospect into whipping out his check book. Encyclopaedia salesmen would often add other volumes as free offers to entice the prospect to buy. You should have something to offer your visitor, even with a time limit to entice him to act now.

After The Signature: Just as after-sales service is important in the real world, your sale page should offer up a money-back guarantee and, of course, contact information in case the buyer needs to reach you.

Salesmanship online or off follow the same rules. While you can't be present, your site's professional appearance and construction can make an excellent salesman that will earn you hundreds of sales and an income equal to what the best offline salesmen in the world earn.

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Friday, July 13, 2007

Self Discipline for High Achievers

Copyright © Mario Carini

Self-Discipline is the only thing that separates the high achiever from the average man on the street. If you ever hope to realize those lofty goals you have for yourself, you need the power of self-discipline before you could even get started.

Developing self-discipline isn’t easy as for most of us as we’ve learned to think in a rut. Our thinking patterns have developed into a negative mode where we feel we can’t succeed or can’t be better than those who live in flashy homes and drive fancy cars. From infancy we’ve learned to think of the reasons why we can’t do something rather than why we can.

It’s this negative mould we need to overcome if we hope to achieve great things.

There is no real difference between failure and success. None of it has to do with being born rich, level of education, one’s background, health, talent or intelligence. Those factors are what we point to in order to excuse ourselves and keep wallowing in the self-pity and jealousy when we see the rich drive by in their Ferraris. It’s far easier to find excuses why we can’t be like the rich and successful; it becomes a warm blanket we can snuggle into and like the ostrich with its head in the sand, we feel we have found the one reason to forget about any hope for a better future.

Self-discipline can be learned. But it must be made a habit. Chatting over inconsequential matters over the backyard barbecue with a beer in hand on a Saturday night is a habit. It doesn’t add value to your life. It just kills time. What’s necessary is to make self-discipline into a habit.

Having self-discipline elevates you into a “Can Do” attitude. Possibilities open up. Opportunities reveal themselves. Your mindset changes from desperation to hope and expectation.

Self-discipline increases your self-confidence and empowers you with determination and strength. Hopelessness becomes a thing of the past and gets replaced with the happiness that comes from knowing that you are on the road to a better lifestyle for you, your family and the others that you impact on a daily basis.

Self-discipline will give you a passion and renewed hope that you never knew existed. With more energy, you have more of a desire to achieve.

Ever wish you could be a role model to others? Want to become a leader, someone others look up to? The self-disciplined are always sought after, admired for their courage and their ability to get things done! You can be like that too!

Once you have a positive mindset, your thinking becomes sharper. You will be able to develop creativity, be more analytical. With fewer limitations, the possibilities become endless.

The first step on the road to achievement is the acknowledgement that YOU CAN DO BETTER! Like the drug addict, you will never take the first step to rehabilitation unless you acknowledge that you have a problem.

The next step is believing you can accomplish anything you desire! All it takes is the right way of approaching your problem and your goals. Once you do that you will begin to see the first steps toward achievement.

Self-discipline is the master key to success. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Without it, you are just another member of the mediocrity club, just one of those poor souls that fail to realize their full potential.


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