Saturday, June 16, 2007

Why I Don't Like Taking Drugs

Copyright © Mario Carini

Call me old fashioned but when it comes to prescription drugs I’d rather not take them even at the doctor’s insistence. I care for my health so I always want to know what goes into my body. I firmly believe that drugs are not the answer despite all the media hype and what the medical establishment would have me believe.

By nature we are creatures of action. A sedentary lifestyle works against that inherent instinct. What you eat, how active you are will go a long way toward establishing a healthy lifestyle. Our ancestors of the past may have had shortened lifespans due to lack of understanding of viruses and disease, but they ate wholesome food and were active throughout the day and many of them lived to old age. None of them ever had access to a pharmacy, nor a doctor willing to treat their symptoms simply by whipping out his/her prescription pad.

So why don’t I like taking drugs, you ask?

Here are some good reasons:

Drugs are Invasive: The old adage that there is no such thing as a safe drug is as true today as it was 50 years ago. We all know that cigarette smoking is bad for your health. Cigarette smoke contains a plethora of harmful chemicals. Smoking one cigarette won’t kill you, but do it often enough and you will start having problems later on.

I ask what’s the difference between the chemicals found in cigarette smoke and those found in common prescription drugs? I feel there is no difference at all, despite what doctors may say about the assumed benefits. Long term use of drugs will lead to problems just as smoking will. And I’m not willing to trade one illness for the long term consequence that will occur if I take the same drug for years.

Drugs Only Treat the Effects:There's NEVER been a miracle drug and never will be. Everything in life is cause and effect. Today, the focus is on treating the symptom. The cause of your illness is ignored in favor of a quick fix to relieve the problem. Most drugs only mask the problem, they do not solve the underlying problem. The medical profession is more focused on seeing you get sick, rather than stay well as there’s no money to be made just by telling you what you need to do to change your lifestyle.

Drugs Often do Not do What They are Designed to Do: During the past couple of years the news has been filled with high school and college youths on a rampage, killing students and teachers. Remember the Columbine massacre? The two youths that did the killing were on anti-depressants. One would imagine that such drugs would make the patients taking them, docile. That’s not the case. Why should they even be called ANTI-DEPRESSANTS if what they do is cause violence, suicide and a host of bizarre actions by the patients taking them?

Take statin drugs for another example. Supposedly they reduce your cholesterol levels. Yes they do, but there’s a price to pay. Statistics clearly show that more people DIE with NORMAL cholesterol levels than those who have higher levels. Why is that?

There are two reasons: One, there are other factors that should be tested but are not, such as your homocystein levels. As there is no drug to treat homocystein levels, it is IGNORED by the mainstream medical establishment. Two: It’s a fact that statins rob the heart of CoQ10 an essential element required for your heart's proper functioning. After a few years of repeated statin use, your heart becomes weak and that eventually leads to heart attacts. So why doesn’t your doctor tell you to supplement with CoQ10? Simply, there’s no money in it! Your doctor couldn’t care less if you keel over tomorrow just as long as you keep shelling out for your prescription. Anti-depressants and statins simply don't do the job they are supposed to, but they ARE best-selling drugs!

Drugs are Dangerous: The side effects can be worse than what the drug is designed to treat. The trouble is that most patients don’t ask their doctors about the side effects of the drugs prescribed. Neither is the doctor willing to offer that advice. Just look at the history of drugs such as Vioxx, Prozac and Avandia.

Drugs are Promoted only for their Profit Value: The whole health system is centered around profits, not your health. As long as you get sick and stay sick, Big pharma can make Big profits. Ignorance is bliss where big pharma and your doctor is concerned. The best seller, Lipidor, earns Pfizer no less than 13 billion dollars annually!

Drugs have their place, but they should be used as a last resort and not the first as promoted by todays medical establishment. Honesty in the profession should be paramount. Big Pharma plays around with people's lives which would be considered a crime in any other circle. Consider that over 100,000 people die in the nation's hospitals every year under a doctor's care, taking the RIGHT drug and the RIGHT dosage and at the RIGHT time of day.

For the reasons listed above I refuse to take prescription medications.


About the Author
Mario Carini lives near Ottawa, Canada and is currently promoting 3 of the best affiliate programs on the Net. With his experience he stands ready to coach and mentor anyone to financial independence.

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