Friday, June 22, 2007

Why I Don't Trust Doctors

Copyright © Mario Carini

There was a time when the doctor was a family friend. He could be trusted to help you get better and stay that way. I remember a time when the doctor came to my house to find out why I was sick. He’d listen to my heartbeat, take my blood pressure, look at my ear canals, look down my throat and listen as I described my symptoms. After a careful diagnosis he’d proclaim what it was I had and recommend bed rest, fluids and some medicine for a specified time or until I actually felt better.

Today’s doctor is a whole new breed compared to that doctor who made that house call. For one, today’s doctor hides behind the walls of a local clinic or hospital. Even if you can’t walk, you’re expected to drive yourself to your doctor’s residence and once you do, you are treated with the same kind of emotionless response you’d give the dead buried in the cemetery.

I don’t trust doctors for several reasons.

For one, doctors have learned to treat the symptoms and know little about preventing the disease from occurring in the first place. Yesterday’s doctor knew something about the causes of your illness and could give you some information along with a prescription to help you from getting sick again.

Second, today’s doctor is trained only to know what drugs to prescribe for whatever illness you have. He knows next to nothing about herbal medicine or the essential nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. When it comes to a comparison between your doctor and a financial consultant, the consultant knows more about his profession!

While great strides have been made to cure old disease such as polio that used to plague mankind, the medical establishment has regressed back to the Dark Ages. We may not practice bloodletting, but we do the same thing today through prescription medications which slowly reduce the quality of life until death occurs.

The fact is that the majority of diseases that plague us today are self-induced. We don't need to suffer from cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, etc when all that is needed to prevent them is a healthy lifestyle. These diseases simply would not exist if we ate whole and fresh food instead of processed; if we stopped smoking, drinking excessively, got enough rest and got the proper amount of exercise.

Third, today's doctor is under a heavy taskmaster that tells him what and what not to tell his patients. Though some doctors are well meaning and would love to do more to help, they have their hands tied by Big Pharma. The majority of medical schools today are owned and operated by pharmaceutical companies. Obviously, this leads to a bias in favor of the use of drugs and next to no training about natural treatments. Doctors who take courses are required to “tow the line” and only learn about drug treatments. Of course, once the doctor has his license to practice, he is required to keep mum when it comes to mentioning things like the side effects of dangerous drugs. They are simply taught to write out a prescription, no advice offered and only assurances if the patient asks. If the doctor tries to provide healthy advice, he stands to lose his practice!

My mother once asked a doctor why he never told his patients to supplement with CoQ10 when they take statin drugs. The doctor’s response was that he “might get into trouble”.

Get into trouble with whom?

There are no government regulations that forbid doctors from dispensing important information that can affect the lives of their patients. The fact is that many doctors today don't live up to the tenets of the Hippocratic Oath which clearly says: “First, do no harm”.

Big Pharma rakes in billions of dollars annually. Some of the best selling drugs are the worst offenders when it comes to the health of the populace. Doctors are mandated to prescribe those drugs with no concern as to what those drugs could do to the patients taking them. Add that to the fact that most people are more than willing to leave their health in the hands of doctors with a grade school education at best!

Fourth, some doctors can't be trusted. My doctor is retired now and for the good. With the way she shuffled papers in the office, I wondered if she didn't have Parkinson's. There were many other factors by this doctor that reduced my faith in her ability to treat me. I'm sure I'm not the only one. But our faith in mainstream doctors today are unfounded.

Of course, doctors aren't entirely to blame as they can only treat the effects and not the cause of the disease. There's no profit to be made to tell you that you need a total lifestyle change. A large part of the blame rests on the shoulders of a public more interested in the pursuit of maintaining an impossible lifestyle than in maintaining optimim health. Health should be number one priority. There's little point in enjoying a wealthy lifestyle from a hospital bed.

Fifth, the doctor's focus is on getting through the day. It's obvious that a doctor's life is filled with an endless stream of patients, so he can't devote as much time as he would like to properly diagnose what ails you. And that's a problem. The diagnosis could be WRONG and lead to severe complications. I wouldn't want to be on the wrong end of a misdiagnosis.

Sixth is truthfulness. Going back to my experience with my former doctor, I found it unprofessional conduct for her to submit a letter to a kidney specialist with an insertion that I had complained of chest pains when I had gone to the hospital a few years earliers. That was an outright lie, but this kind of thing, I believe, happens to the majority of patients who are not aware that their health records contain flaws put there by their doctors. A doctor should simply conduct himself in a professional manner at all times and not try to fudge some data about their patients just so they can increase their bottom line.

There you have it. Six reasons why I don't trust establishment doctors. Call me a rebel if you will, but I believe the traditional establishment, especially Big Pharma needs a complete overhaul.

That's not likely to happen until we see another Thalidomide disaster, one that will cause the death of millions of innocent lives.


About the Author:Mario Carini lives near Ottawa, Canada and is currently promoting 3 of the best affiliate programs on the Net. With his experience he stands ready to coach and mentor anyone to financial independence.

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